Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Relief from the heat?

There's a chance (50% if you believe the news) of thunder showers today, so I've got my fingers crossed. Not only for the cool-down that they can bring, but also because I'm looking forward to trying to capture some lightning with my new camera.

I've made a bit of a study of lightning. Well, when I can that is. The hardest part is getting the storms to cooperate. For optimum picture taking, the storm has to arrive at night, AND I have to be not at work.

Well, I've got the not at work part going for me today, so I'm praying for rain.

Your good wishes will be a great help too, so send out some vibes.

Ok, gonna go watch Bring It On.

The first one, just so you know. I love that movie. And not just because you get to see Kirsten Dunst and Eliza Dushku in cheerleading outfits.

Siesta con auga,


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