Sunday, March 22, 2009

Just when you thought winter was beating a retreat.....


is what I woke up to this morning.

Yes, somewhere in the neighborhood of an inch or more of snow. SNOW!!!



In other news, we're going to start Family Dinner Night again.

This is something we did a couple (or more) years ago, where one night a week Sis, her S.O., and my niece would come over for dinner and family time. There are a couple new wrinkles, as we're going to do it at Sis's, and my mom and gramma Millie will be there too.

I believe tonight is spaghetti night.

Look for pictures tomorrow.

Buenos con queso,


RSOD: 21. Why won't the sufferer try?


Unknown said...

dude, you werent kidding when u said you were sending your snow to me. only you sent more than what u got so would you mind coming and getting a few inches of this stuff? I would appreciate it thanks.

Andrea (Off Her Cork) said...

Ew snow!! Ack I'm terribly sorry you all got dumped on. Hey family night sounds nice! :)

T.J. said...

Kila: You thought I was kidding? You should know me better than that.

Andie: It's mostly gone now, but I'm sooooo ready for winter to be over. Even tho it gets oven hot here in the Summer.

Beth said...

We had ONE *real* snow this year. And that was it. Thankfully, we didn't get our annual ice storm in epic proportions.

Your snow is showing.

T.J. said...

Bliss: I'm sure we'll get one more snowstorm before winter breathes it's last gasp.

Par for the course around here.