Monday, July 27, 2009

It's way too fucking hot..... my room as I write this.

95.9 degrees by my thermometer/clock.

I'm in Hell....Literally.

Or at least is feels like it.

If you care, work was ok. Lots of stupid email questions, a fair amount of computer troubleshooting, and it was as hot, if not hotter, at work all day.

At least I have a beer to wash the hot away.

Buenos con queso,



Anonymous said...

Uh, WHY is it that hot INSIDE??

Whiskeymarie said...

Ugh. I could NOT live where you do- the summers in MN already are too much for me.

Anonymous said...

Since when does MN have summers? lol

T.J. said...

Q: Because I live in a desert, I guess.....

Whiskiemarie: And I'm sure you get more humidity there too. Humidity sucks balls.

Q: Good question. Whiskeymarie?