Sunday, August 26, 2007

Too fuckin' early.....

That's what it is. I woke up about an hour ago, and couldn't fall back to sleep. Not only was it too hot, but my brain was totally awake.

I hate that. I mean, my eyes are still closed, my body is still asleep, and my brain is saying 'you might as well get up, you might as well get up.'

I decided to go ahead and post, because I may not get a chance later. When L calls, I'm going to dash out of here, and who knows when that'll be.

I don't really have much to talk about right now, so you'll have to imagine that I was witty and eloquent this morning.

Carne del diablo,



Beth said...

witty and eloquent as always, darling.

Hasta la cha cha

T.J. said...


You're a dear to say so.
