Thursday, January 31, 2008

Blogging on lunch....

Now there's something I haven't done in a while.

I don't really have any reason to be doing this at work, other than the fact that I'm staying in the store today, and not leaving for lunch.

I did get to clock out, though, so I thought I'd just pop in and free up my evening.

Today is my Friday, and I'm pretty happy.

Tomorrow is tattoo day, and I'm pretty happy about that too.

Saturday is 'nothing special' day, and I'm ambivilent about that.


Well, it's Superbowl Sunday, and T (the manager i share a bday with) has given me the green light to take the day off. I'm pretty happy about that, too.

This will be first Sbowl I've gotten to watch in like 3 years.

The Patriots are going to fucking slaughter the Giants. I can feel it.

I've noticed something about the Sbowl tho: If the game is good (close) then the commercials suck, and vice versa.

I'm not sure why that should be, nor why I seem to be the only one to have noticed it, but that's usually how it goes.

Ok, I guess I've typed myself out for the mo.

Time to finish eating.....

Buenos con queso,



Andie Pandie said...

I don't even watch the Sbowl, not even for the commercials. I catch those later on YouTube. LOL Hope your inking goes well today!

Kelwhy said...

i was expecting pics of the tat already. c'mon! ;) LOL!

Anonymous said...

Tattoo day! Please post pics!

T.J. said...

Soon ladies....Soon.
