Thursday, January 03, 2008

Suck my caucus.....

I was over at Sue's the other day, and she was lamenting the 'shock and awe' tactics that politicians use during an election year.

Especially a Presidential election where the current President can't run.

I thought that I had it bad in Nevada, what with it being the capital and all. I mean, the whole government of the state is run from here. That includes the legislature, which elects every 2 years.

We get a lot of spam.... Not so much email, but television, radio, print ads, lawn signs, billboards. It's a shitfest.

Poor Sue tho?

She lives in Iowa. I can't imagine the Hell she must be going through.

In other news, we're supposed to get a little storm, and a slight breeze. Once again, just in time for my days off.

Lucky me, I get to go pay my bills in a driving blizzard.

Oh, did I tell you that L had her baby?

Yup, 12/31/08 at 9:38, Cash Martyn ***** entered the world. He weighed in at 7 lbs, 10oz, and was 19 inches long. I suspect that he's already cool. With S and L as parents, this kid's gonna be Johnny Cash times Al Pachino, raised to the power of Tiger Woods.

---you didn't notice it, but I took a short break for dinner-----

Do I need to say...Unhh...fucking, yum?

One final thing: Your tax dollars at work.....

Ok, that's me done.

Buenos con queso,


1 comment:

AndiePandie said...

Oooooo that looks yummy!