Monday, January 14, 2008

What kind of fucking premiere could it be?

I saw a commercial for The Matrix. I don't remember what channel it was on, but I do remember that it was coming on at 8:00 pm.

What gets me, is that the billed it as some kind of 'world premiere.'

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't a premiere this?

I mean, it implies a first of some kind, right?

Since the movie was premiered like seven years ago, what kinda happy horseshit is this?

Is it the 'first time at 8:00 PST during the second week of December' premiere?

Maybe it's some obscure robot holiday that we mere mortals are unaware of, and it's in celebration of that?

Though, why they'd show a movie about the human revloution is celebration of their holiday.

Unless it's Robot Memorial Day.

Maybe that's it.

So, join me y'all, and watch The Matrix this week in celebration of Robot Memorial Day.

Fuckin world.

Buenos con queso,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

whatever happened to Keanu? Unfortunately, I'm gonna have to miss it, beh.