Wednesday, May 09, 2007

The Walmart $5.50 bin....

I ask, you, is there anything better?

Well, a thing or two, perhaps, but they don't bear repeating at the mo.

I bought A Knights Tale, Broken Arrow, Undercover Brother, and Dante's Peak. Not a ton of flicks, but a good selection nonetheless.

A couple things that pissed me off tho; Undercover Brother is full screen (i forgot to check before i bought it so my fault) and Dante's Peak will only run in my DVD player with the commentary on. I love listening to the commentaries, don't get me wrong.

I do prefer, however to be able to choose when and if I do. This is the second movie I've gotten that plagues me thus: My copy of Liar, Liar does the same thing. I'll try Dante's Peak in my ps3, and with any luck it will run fine.

So, that's where I'm headed now.

Happy Humping Day....


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