Monday, June 04, 2007

Pregnant chicks are hot....

I've always thought so. There's also the added bonus that they can't get....well, pregnant.

So, from now on, I'm only going to have sex with pregnant women. As if I've even had any in the last...what is it 6.5 years now?

So, if any of you know any horny pregnant girls in need of some lovin', give them my number.

I've got The Addams Family in the dvd player right now. It's pretty good, if you haven't seen it. Yes, I know it's years old, and almost ancient history as far as movies go, but there are still some great scenes and lines. Plus Angelica Huston makes the perfect Morticia.

The ideas are not with me today, but perhaps I shall be inspired later.

Buenos con queso,


1 comment:

AndiePandie said...

See I think the opposite. Pregnant women squick me right the fuck out. Ewwww. And well pregnancy squicks me right the fuck out too. Ewwww.