Wednesday, February 04, 2009

I want to tell you something.....

Well, I guess I tell you something everytime I do this.

It may not always be funny, and it may not always be deep, but it's always something

I had a pretty cool day at work, even tho I woke up at...wait for it...

4:37 in the morning.

How much does that suck?

Strangely tho, I wasn't tired at work at all, and even when I got home, I wasn't as tired as I prolly should have been. I got to play with guns all day, so maybe that helped keep me awake. I didn't get to go shoot any (this time), but I did get to list some on, and yes, I took the pictures.

I also got to take a short field trip to the Post Office to mail some ebay items out, and my boss made me a plate of some kick ass food, so things were good.

See, that's something you didn't know, so I 'told you something' today.

Buenos con queso,


What I want Part 4: Lots of guns.


HoosierHerm said...

HeY ! I like the new Header! Pretty good shot from Mickey Land.
Well, That's all I've got today,..trying to save every synapse and neuron towards posting something worthwhile on my Own farging Blogs. Later, H

2.kidsnme said...

Any Glocks listed T?

T.J. said...

Herm: Thanks....That's from our last trip down. Nah...been all long guns so far. Cheaper shipping. heh.
