Thursday, September 09, 2004

Bastard cock-fucks.

That's what I've decided to call the asshats that stole my Painfully Obvious website.

I've had that name for years now. Like keeping kids off drugs is more important than my ego. I swear, sometimes people just piss me off.

/rant off

I was talking to L when I came up with that phrase, as I was telling her about the blatant rip-off of my name when the commercial came on again. We were watching The Simpsons together (yes, on the phone). She had, to quote her 'a bit of a tiff' with her shiny-new b/f this morning.

L is so not a morning person. I've know that since I've known her. My favorite quote from her on the subject?

"I've had a morning every day of my life, and I still don't like it."

Pretty much sums it up for me.

But, I digress.

SNB wants to know why she's grumpy in the morning. I'd like to be able to tell him to just chill, nod, smile, and wait. That's the only plan of attack that works. L and I used to work together, and she came on shift as I was leaving. I was on the unenviable midnight to 6 a.m. shift. Many were the days I got a ride home from her in the morning.

I learned then and there to just let her be. I understand that he had my usual Thursday. In spades. I'm not going into details, but he must have gotten all the bad karma from my last three not so bad ones. She was on her way over to talk to him, and I'm sure they've made up by now. She's supposed to call me later.

Oh, btw, L is going to New Orleans in Oct, and I'm making her send me photos while she's there, so keep your eyes open for that.

Guess that's all for now. I need a shower, and have to do at least one load of 'guy laundry' to get me through tomorrow.

Buenos con queso,



lady godiva said...

ok - i give...
what is guy laundry?

and very nice use of asshat.

Kelwhy said...

Is that where you really don't wash the clothes - just "fluff" them up in the dryer?

Guys are such mysterious, yet simple creatures!

I love them!

T.J. said...

Geez...Give me some credit.

Guy laundry is simply this: I abandon all the good laundry sense that my mother instilled in me as a child. I wash a couple pair of Levi's (501's, damn it not any of that 'relaxed fit' shit) couple shirts, socks, shorts.

No color sorting, no finese. Just enough to get me through the rest of the week.

Fluff them up....I mean, seriously.

