Sunday, September 19, 2004

Like sands through the hourglass.....

...[so are the Days of our Lives]...

I got nothing done today of course. It's almost 7, and I've just started my laundry. I have to do at least 3 loads, just to catch up.

It's hell. I do this everytime too. If I could just do, like, a couple loads during the week, I'd be fine. I know this, and yet it does me no good.

I tell myself, you have to change, you have to get better. Then I tell myself to just chill out, it's only the laundry. If I have to, I can do a load of 'guy laundry' at almost anytime, and have clothes for the next day. That's the problem, really. There's really no punishment for my indiscrection.

I hem, I haw, and I put off. I procrastinate to the nth degree, and I'm utterly fearless!!

Yeah, I'm a wild man. Watch me not do my laundry.

El burrito muerte,


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