Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Humpless again.


Week's half over, and I couldn't be happier. I'm making progress on that damn db at work. I know I keep bitching about it, but if you spent 10 minutes alone with it, you'd loathe it too.

Been pretty busy since I got home from work. It's 9:30 p.m. local as I write this, and I'm finally getting to relax.

This is a special announcement for Suse:

Yes, meat of the devil. I'm guessing it's haggis.

Watched Hellboy tonight. Pretty cool flick. Effects were good. I've also got a copy of The Punisher on loan. I'm leary tho. I have an embarassing fact to reveal about myself. I used to collect comics. Moreover, however, I used to read them too. I saw that apalling piece of tripe with Dolf Lungren. Well, as much of it as I could stomach.

I read The Punisher comics. He was just a mean guy. I mean, he did have his reasons. If the mob rubbed out my family, I'd go after them too. Not that the mob exsists.

[glances nervously about]

A fellow booker says that they've got the story pretty close, and that, in the main, is what it's all about.

Well, it's 10:00 p.m. now, and I think I'm gonna go drool on my pillow for a while.

Siesta con agua,


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