Sunday, September 19, 2004


That's the word that best describes my niece's bday party.

Followed by luau. It was fun, and family and all, but there were 7, 8-9-10-year old girls, and a couple brother boys.

Fuck, but they were loud.

The food was great of course (poppa cooked): Kabobs and rice. Beef, pork, and veggie. There was also snack food: Chips, coctail weenies, and cheese cubes.

Was a pretty fun time, but I again ate too much, and was uncomfortable.

I don't envy SSO tho (sis's significan other). T'was a sleep over as well, and sis had to open at Kupps....Poor SSO.

Got nothing done yesterday....

Today's gonna be a pain. Have like 4 loads of laundry to do, plus I may do the room switch.

Arrrgh...may be back.


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