Thursday, September 09, 2004

Scared straight.

Today will be the acid test. Those of you that stop by here may know of my aversion to Thursdays. You may also know that the last two have been fairly decent to me.

After all the good fortune I had yesterday, I must say I'm a bit trepidatious (is that even a word?) about today. I did managed to get up on time, so I'm posting, obviously, and drinking some coffee.

I'm dreading work, as the project I'm woking on is so repetetive and boring that it's nearly driving me out of my skull.

It's really too early, and I spent entirely too much time reading all your posts this morning, for me to distribute any shining pearls of wisdom, but I'll see what I can do.

Ok, I've been spacing out here for like 7 minutes trying to come up with something witty, or timely, and I got nothin'.

Guess you'll have to wait until after work. Unless I get to come home for lunch, and have something I just absolutely have to share.

Have a peachy day.

Buenos con queso,



Beth said...

My fav would be 'splendiferous'.

Hope your Thursday went as good as the last 2.

lady godiva said...

yes its a word...
good thursday?
yes....because i am back.

T.J. said...

Not a bad Thursday at all.

I missed you, glad you're back.

Oh, and I've changed the link, just so you won't worry.
