Sunday, January 25, 2009

The change of a season, enough of a reason to want to get away...

A couple of strange things today.....

The first one I'm going to call:

The Fraternity of the Inked

Those of you with tattoos will understand this, and those of you without them prolly won't.

There's something about new ink. I mean, my last 2(3) have been in fairly viewable places, so it's not really an effort to show them to people, but I have no problem pulling up my shirt to show off the ones on my back.

It's usually to show someone that has ink, too. It seems to work that way. Folks with ink tend to show each other their tats.

Today, for instance, a girl that I work with came over to my desk, lifted her skirt, and showed me her left thigh.

No, she wasn't hitting on me (shes way to young for me and has a bf besides) but showing me her new tat. No prompting, no warning....just bare thigh.

Don't get me wrong, I love checking out ink, and when it's on a hot chick, it's just that much

I just think it's kind of uniquie thing.

I had a girl open her pants and show me a tat that was just outside her bikini line.

Again, no, she wasn't hitting on me, and yes, that one was at work too.....

So, what about it, my fellow you have any problem at all showing complete strangers your tats?

'Cause I sure don't.

The other bit of coolness involved a phone call on an ebay item.

Now, as some of you know, I have no problems talking on the phone. Hell, I worked at an answering service for 2+ years if that tells you anything.

I don't really spend much time on the phone at this new job, however. I mean, I'll answer it if I'm near it, but I'm not required to. And, of course, if it's a call about an ebay or gunbroker (think ebay for guns) item, it's totally my call, if you get me.

Well, today saw a call from a gent down under.

No, quit being kinky.

This guy's from Australia, and was calling about something he won from us. I spent about 20 mins on the phone with him, talking about everything from the weather to countries/states he's visited.

It was all I could do to not break out one of my accents when I was talking to him.

Huevos del sol,



Beth said...

If someone asks, I'll show em. Not like I am risking anything by showing them my ankle. Unless they have an obsession with feet or something... ;)

Got my most awesome coins yesterday, btw...just in case you didn't get the other comment.

And yeah, you need to read me more, slacker.


Unknown said...

I dont offer to pull down my pants to show strangers, but i will show them a couple that are not concealed by the pants. I have 5.

Love the coins mine are all gone but one, cant wait to see one for kila tho
chat soon
TW hehe

T.J. said...

Kat: Feet? Well how prevalent can that be?

Kila: But you do show them.....
