Saturday, January 10, 2009

Change your thoughts and you change your world...

Or so they tell me.

I'm sure you're all just dying to know what I did today, so I'll let you know.

The day started off way too early, as all my dsyas have been lately, but what do you do?

I didn't really do much with the beginning of my day, so I won't bore you with the trivialities of my morning. We (mom nieces x 2 michael d gramma and i) did go to Round Table for the lunch special, so that's pretty groovy.

I love Round Table pizza, and I ate most of a medium all by myself. Plus salad

And beer, of course. It's cool that Michael can drink now, but wierd too, if you know what I mean.

I'm sad to report that my days off are over, and tomorrow I'm back at it. It is short & sweet Sunday, tho, so things should be good.

Oh, my car should be fixed tomorrow too. That would be cool. It's not that I really have a problem with walking to/from work, it just gets a little old after a while.

Stop back tomorrow, and see if my car's fixed, if you're of a mind.

Oh, and for those counting, 2 days 'til my birthday.

Fiesta con fuego,



Beth said...

I'm never much "of a mind" to begin with, so no promises.

Plus, The Game is tomorrow. You know. Priorities.

I still find it kind of weird to drink with my parents. So, I kinna know what you mean.

Peace out yo.


Unknown said...

Hehe, yeah it is weird drinking with your son. Mine is 22 and its still weird.
I so hear the car fixing, mine was in the transmission hospitol for over a month :( but its back now and I am happy camper.
Oh and happy Bday.
See ya online soon? lol

T.J. said...

Kat: Bummer about D'ego.

Tina: Thanks, and yeah, soon.
