Sunday, January 11, 2009

Don't change the subject.....

So, I'm sure some of you remember my post about The Girls Next Door.

I bring this up for one very strange reason.

Now, as you may have noticed (either from before or now when you just clicked on it) I didn't actually put any photos of the girls on the page. I did add a couple links to photos, at least one of which was nsfw.

Thus the 'not putting the pix on the page' decision, as I try to keep my blog sfw.

Well, apart from the swearing, which is not usually conducive to a work environment.

But, I digest.....

The strangeness started shortly after the post, stopped for a while, and is now back with a vengeance. See, what's happening is this: with almost no warning, my traffic has gone from it's humble average of 17 hits per day to...well, yesterday I had 79.

I know, right?

The strangest part is how they find me. Do this right now: open a new google window, click on the 'images' tag, and search for 'kendra naked topless.' Just those 3 words. Now, when I did that just now, it was the second picture. Your mileage may vary, but the picture you're looking for is one of her (a blonde if you dont know her) standing on what appears to be a beach with a water covering her... well, you know.

Now, I don't find it surprising that this image would be on a search for her naked, as it is her, and she is naked. What I do find strange, however, is that if you click on the aforementioned image, it brings you directly to my site.

If you then try to view the full sized image, you're rewarded with the internet equivilent of a shrug: the dreaded 404 error.

Now, if I had put the pic on my site, it would be less confusing to me. As all I ever had was a text link to an external page, I'm at a bit of a loss.

So, I've devised a test.

This link will take you to a picture of Angelina Jolie from the movie Gia. I should warn you that it's a topless photo, so if you think it might get you in trouble, please don't click it.

Now I'm just going to sit back and see how many hits I get from horndogs trying to see Angelina's bikini parts.

Gato el lave,


ps this is only a test


Beth said...

That particular pic didn't even show up in my search. Weird. I even went 5 pages in and by that time, there aren't anymore Kendra pics at all! At least not of the Kendra to which you were referring. *shrug*

Have fun with all that.

Via con cha cha cha

T.J. said...

Did you have 'safe search' on? If you did, that might have stopped it.


HoosierHerm said...

I went to the boxing pic on Google, and clicked around a bit, no return to your post? When I clicked the nsfw link on yer blog, I did get the 404 error ? Weird, but hey, your gettin' some traffic !

T.J. said...

Herm: See today's post.
