Monday, November 12, 2007

By the way, food and rent are not the only things around here that cost money.....You sleep on the couch.

I met Greg in the 8th grade. For me, that was at the tender and rather uncorrupted age of 14 or 15. That seems old, but I was one of the lucky ones born in January, and at the time, if you weren't 5 by the time school started in September, you had to wait a year. I spent my entire school career about 6 months older than all my classmates.

But, I digress....

Greg and I met because neither of us dressed out for P.E. I'm not really sure how it happened, but pretty much that whole school year, neither one of us dressed nor participated in P.E. (except for the 3 weeks we had bowling go figure) but that's not the wierd part.

We both passed. With A's and B's, I might add.

So, there you have us, two guys bullshitting for an hour a day. It seems strange to think that from that grew the best friendship of my life. I'm not sure when it started escalating, but it was soon 'going to Greg's after school,' followed shortly by spending the night, which would usually mean spending the weekend.

Somewhere in there, we found out that we were basically the same person, but in two different bodies. He'd start talking, and I'd have an answer. Didn't matter if we'd started the conversation hours, days, or weeks before.

It was the same with me. I'd start, and he'd know what we were talking about. We liked the same music, the same cars, the same type of girl (which was never a problem really). We even put our shoes on the same. We were constantly asked if we were brothers (tho i never saw the resemblence).

8th grade led, as it will, to High School. We tried, and managed to get a few classes together. He lived close to the school, so the after school at his house continued, hell, it became a daily thing. I was living with my Pops at the time, and he was cool with it. About half the time I'd get invited to stay for dinner.

I can't tell you how many hours we spent in his garage, playing pool and listening to KOZZ. Or hanging out watching t.v., or listening to records. Yes, actual records, and no, not The Brothers Four, but cool bands, like Rush, and Sammy Hagar.

Or just doing nothing at all. We could do that better than anyone I know.

Ok, I can hardly see my screen through the tears, so you'll have to wait until tomorrow for more.....

Buenos con queso,


1 comment:

Beth said...
