Monday, November 19, 2007

I think I fucked a squirrel to death, and I don't even remember it.....

Well, not really, but that is a movie quote.

Can you name the movie?

How are you all doing with the quotes?

Nobody's even been guessing....

Ok, now I'm calling for you to see how many you can name.

I really don't have much today. It was a rather routine day at work, with the exception that something I listed on ebay is going for lots more that I expected.

One of my managers said that they 'weren't good sellers' and she didn't really expect to make any money off of them. Heh.

I'm hoping for a bidding frenzy at the end to push the price up even further.

I was also noticing that NaBloPoMo sounds an awful lot like Nipomo, a small town not far from where my son lives.

Especially if you say it fast.

Oh, and any of you care, my one nod to the 'unreality t.v.' is coming up. As a rule, I hate hate hate the tripe that they try to pass off as entertainment, and I'm proud to say that I've never watched a single minute, let alone an entire episode of Survivor, The Bachelor(ette), Big Brother, or any of the other shitfests that seems to be the rule of air these days, but I do loves me some American Idol tryouts.

But only the tryouts.

I've never watched an episode where they actually perform or get voted on, but the tryouts are fucking hilarious.

Carne del diablo,



Princess Sparkle Pants said...

Oh, Sweet Mother of Joseph Smith, me too. I mean,AI Tryouts are ENTERTAINMENT for at least a week worth of evenings, thanks be to Tivo...

T.J. said...

Hehehe....It's one of my guilty pleasures....grin
