Friday, August 20, 2004

It's killing me.

I mean, straight up fucking killing me. I move 3 folders. I build the database, and sit here for fucking ever while the pos (p2, 450) puter chews on it. I mean, I know I'm accomplishing something, but it's just so slooooooow. At this point, I've managed to move a whopping 11 folders into the database.

This is making my day drag by. It's now 1:09 local. One hour and 51 minutes, then the Friday Protocol begins. Beer, gambling, and fun. What more could anyone ask? Now, I know Murphy won't come a'readin' this yere blog, but I've started commenting on her blog, as she's feeling jealous of Kbear's following. Heh. I found my way to her through Bear.

An update: The war continues. Happily, I've never fired a rubber band in anger in this office, so I'm immune to the battle. It's fucking funny. Convicted felons running around like little boys, shooting rubber bands. And these are no wimpy rubber bands either. If I can get my pos digital cam working this weekend, I'll post a pic of them. They're welt makers, believe that.

Well, guess I'll go down the hall to the w.c. Nothing else to do. Happy trails.




Anonymous said...

It's spelled convEnience.

lady godiva said...

can't read now - but you have been busy writing...can you see my smile?

T.J. said...

Ah, so it is. I knew I should have looked it up.

I'm glad you're smiling, Bear.

Beth said...

I don't have a large male following and you don't see me whining.



Ha HA!

T.J. said...

Well, I've been told *I'm* a large male, and I'm following you. For what it's worth.

