Friday, August 06, 2004

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.

Ok, so I fell asleep. What's your point? Grin. So I guess you get my Life, the Universe, and Everything post as I sit here with soaking wet hair, drinking my first cup of coffee of the day.

I've been thinking a lot over the past week or so. Ever since I realized that the reunion was last weekend, I've been having those 'what have I done with my life' thoughts. I'm not unhappy with my station in life. I'm not a CEO, but I don't have a CEO's stress level either.

Then there was the reunion itself. Seeing everyone, and how like the old days it was. Outwardly, we had all changed. Inside, not as much. Everything from graduation up until now. 20 years of perpetual motion. I have to say, I like the life I've lived, the people I've known. There are regrets, of course, both kinds. I regret some of the things I never did, and will prolly never do. By the same token, there are some things I did that in retrospect seem a little uneeded.

Then, there's the car wreck that as near as I can determine, happened about 10-20 mins in front of me on the road. Of course, the mortal thoughts start. Ron's letter reached me the next morning. Both of them, the anonymous driver of the white car, and Ron's adversity tell us the same thing. Life is ephemeral. I know it sounds corny, but you do have to stop and smell the roses. Now, in these two cases, it's clear that Ron is the better off of the two. He lived through his ordeal. What's more, he found the strength, the courage to go on.

I knew him in High School. I must admit, I don't remember how well. Now, I wish I had known him better. I'd like to be able to say "well, of course he's ok. That's just like Ron." I don't know if I could do it. Life is ahead of us, surely, and you can't live in the past, but to not know your past? I don't know if I could do it. If you should read this Ron, my hat's off to you.

Ok. Enough deep thoughts. I've got to finish getting ready for work. Hope you all have a peachy day.




lady godiva said...

wow,very deep thoughts for 5:40 am.
yes - a lot to think about
as we get older it seems there is that...

hope your day was as you wanted it to be...

lady godiva said...

busy weekend??
do tell...

T.J. said...

Do tell? I done told. My reunion. Grin.

Beth said...

Hope your weekend was wonderful! Mine wasn't quite long enough. *sigh* They never are.

lady godiva said...

well - its monday...and there is nothing new here...and i am bored.
oh well...
i will chuckle at your hangover last weekend and move on...

(ok - my chuckles are giggles but you get the idea)